We love local businesses that have a focus on women’s health. Today’s Wellness Wednesday spotlight goes to a local mom of three – Dr. Alyssa Easley of West Pelvic Wellness. Since childbirth can really affect a woman’s body we are glad that Dr. Alyssa has shared some information here! We are big fans of places that make life easier for moms, and this practice makes it a point to be flexible by offering concierge and virtual assessments and treatments. What drove her to open her practice was the desire to provide Moms (and really all people with pelvic floor dysfunction) a different treatment option – in their own homes. We hope you enjoy today’s interview!
Where are you from originally and how long have you lived in the area?
I grew up outside of Austin, TX, I came to Galveston for PT school and have lived in the West Houston area for 4 years now.
Do you have any children? If so, what are their ages?
I have a 16 year old step son, a 7 year old daughter and an 18 month old daughter.
When did you decide you wanted to be a Physical Therapist?
I originally got interested in physical therapy because my brother attended PT as a child, he was born with cerebral palsy and went to PT throughout our childhood. I also witnessed the good that physical therapists do when I was on missions trips as a teen. I’ve always been compassionate and empathetic and it felt natural to choose a career where I help people.
Tell us about your practice?
West Pelvic Wellness is a concierge pelvic physical therapy practice. I provide pelvic floor PT in the comfort of your home or wherever we choose to meet. Pelvic Floor PT is a specialized type of physical therapy to help address pelvic floor dysfunction- such as bladder leaks or other bladder problems, bowel issues (constipation and leakage), pelvic pain, sexual dysfunction, diastasis recti, pelvic organ prolapse, conditions in pregnancy and postpartum.
Where did you go to school?
I got my Bachelors in Kinesiology from Texas A& M in College Station and earned my Doctorate of Physical Therapy at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, TX.
What made you decide to open your own practice as opposed to joining an already established one?
I felt called to start West Pelvic Wellness in order to provide Moms (and really all people with pelvic floor dysfunction) a different treatment option- in their own homes. My dreaming really started after having my second daughter- I went back to work full time after 12 weeks maternity leave and did not feel prepared to take care of the baby, myself, my home and other family members along with all of my patients. I also realized that if I had needed to make time for my own pelvic floor PT appointments that would have been very difficult. I hope that West Pelvic Wellness will provide me more opportunities to take care of myself and my family in different ways than when I am full time in the clinic.
Can you tell us why Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy is so important for Moms?
Pelvic Health is a vital part of everyday life. If you are struggling with going to the bathroom, leaks, pain, pressure in the pelvis (just to name a few) this can greatly affect your overall quality of life and keep you from participating in activities that you love and/or that you need to do. Pregnancy and childbirth cause many changes to a person’s body overall- and pelvic floor therapy can help your body adjust to these changes.
Tell us more about West Pelvic Wellness, what makes it unique and different from other practices?
Pelvic health can often feel taboo to talk about. By having pelvic PT in your own home, I hope that the experience can make Mom’s more comfortable in addressing pelvic health issues. I take a holistic approach to PT and pelvic health and in my practice you and I make all the decisions for what is going to be the best plan to address your pelvic health goals.
For any skeptics in physical therapy, what would you tell them?
Don’t be afraid of pelvic PT! Its not scary at all, and in fact in my sessions my clients are the boss. If my client is not comfortable with an assessment or treatment technique- we do not do it! Also, don’t assume you are the only one going through a pelvic health issue. Many times I hear Moms say that they were feeling so isolated and that none of their friends were experiencing the things they were. Pelvic health issues are so common- but so treatable and not worth living with for the rest of your life.
What is your main goal when treating your patients?
My goal is to get my clients feeling their best, doing all the activities that they want to be doing, feeling strong and empowered without pain, leakage and discomfort.
What are the biggest challenges you face as a business owner and as a doctor?
I truly love what I do. Like a lot of working Moms, I struggle to balance life between career and family and have to work really hard at setting boundaries for myself so I can enjoy family time.
Future plans for your practice?
Right now I run West Pelvic Wellness on Saturdays and I plan to expand business hours. I also plan to offer group programs focused on education and exercise to address pelvic health topics (such as pelvic organ prolapse, return to running postpartum and more).
Any discounts or specials our moms can look out for?
Be on the lookout for fun pelvic health educational events with other local businesses and healthcare providers in the area! I will always post these on my instagram and facebook pages.
Be sure to follow Dr. Alyssa on Instagram or Facebook or check out her website West Pelvic Wellness .